YH Series Composite Jacket Arrester

Lightning arresters are the basis for the insulation coordination of various electrical equipment in the power system (such as transformers, reactors, capacitors, generators, motors, PTs, CTs, circuit breakers, contactors, etc.).
Product Description

The protection performance of the arrester determines the protection performance of all electrical equipment in the power system. Internal and external insulation indicators (short-time power frequency withstand voltage, lightning impulse withstand voltage and operating impact withstand voltage, etc.).
Metal oxide arresters, commonly known as "zinc oxide arresters", are a new generation of arresters that began to be popularized internationally by the United States, Japan and other countries in the 1980s. They are the most advanced products among conventional arresters. Since the comprehensive introduction of this technology in our country in the mid-1980s, through years of practice and digestion, the current performance of AC arresters of various professional arrester factories is comparable to that of the most advanced products in the United States, Japan, Western Europe and other countries, and has truly met all the requirements of the national standard. The products can also meet the requirements of international EC standards.
The core working components of this product are fired from multi-metal oxide powders mainly composed of zinc oxide. It has excellent nonlinear volt-ampere characteristics, fast steep wave response, and large flow capacity. Products with gaps use self-blowing gaps and a pressure-equalizing irradiation structure, which reduces the dispersion of discharge and has a small impact coefficient.
The use of composite insulation jackets conforms to the international development trend of miniaturization, safety and maintenance-free power products. Compared with traditional inorganic materials such as ceramics and glass, polymer organic composite materials have the advantages of small size, light weight, resistance to dirt and cleaning, explosion-proof and anti-vibration. They are an integral part of integrated and modular medium and high-voltage power transmission and transformation equipment. The preferred lightning protection component.


Purpose And Implementation Standards

This product is used in power generation, transmission, transformation and distribution systems of AC 220kV and below. It is used to limit the amplitude of lightning and internal operating overvoltage of the system to the specified level. It is the basic equipment for insulation coordination of the entire system. At the same time, this product cannot be used to limit resonance overvoltage, and other methods need to be used to eliminate system resonance.
This product model is compiled in accordance with JB/T 8459-2006 "Method for Preparing Surge Arrester Product Models". Wujianyuan products comply with GB 11032-2000 "AC Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arrester" standards: Youjianyuan products comply with JBT 9672-2005 " Standard for metal oxide arresters with series gaps. Important parameters and configuration methods that are not clearly defined in the above standards shall be revised and implemented in accordance with the requirements of DL/T 620-1997 "Overvoltage Protection and Insulation Cooperation of AC Electrical Devices".


Conditions of Use

3.1 The normal usage conditions of conventional products are as follows:
(1) Ambient temperature: not higher than +40C, not lower than -40C;
(2) Altitude: no more than 3000m;
(3) Power frequency: 502Hz; 602Hz;
(4) Maximum wind speed: 35m/s;
(5) Cleaning-free conditions: areas with moderate pollution and below;
(6) For products without gaps, the long-term applied power frequency voltage shall not exceed the continuous operating voltage of the arrester.
(7) For products with gaps, the short-term power frequency voltage increase at the installation point shall not exceed the rated voltage of the arrester.

3.2 For long-term use under the following abnormal conditions, the lightning arrester needs to be specially made and should be stated when ordering:
(1) The temperature or altitude exceeds the standard (such as plateau, tropical, cold zone, fully enclosed cabinet, close to electric furnace, etc.)
(2) The use environment contains severe moisture or corrosive gas impurities (such as water, salt fields, chemical plants, etc.):
(3) Strong ultraviolet radiation (such as plateaus, dry areas with strong sunshine, etc.);
(4) Extremely polluted areas (such as mining working faces, construction site working faces, etc.).


Model Definition


Typical technical parameter tables, physical pictures and installation dimensions of conventional products

The following is a typical parameter table of conventional arresters, arranged from low to high voltage levels to facilitate user search.
1) Each national standard model can be derived from several models of products. Due to space limitations, we will not list them one by one. If users have any questions about the models, they can directly consult our company's technical department;
2) In the "System Nominal Voltage" column, the data with * indicates the motor rated voltage corresponding to the motor protection arrester; in the "Power Frequency Discharge Voltage" column, the data with * indicates the power frequency tolerance of high-voltage arresters above 110kV. Voltage effective value;
3) Due to the many uses and voltage levels, the impulse current value corresponding to the impulse residual voltage of the 30/60 operation of the arrester is not specified;
4) Most products can be equipped with accessories such as disconnectors and counters. If they are equipped with disconnectors, add "L", and if they are equipped with counters, add "J" after the model number.

Technical Parameters
General table of parameters of composite jacket arresters
(distribution type, power station type, capacitor type, motor type, line type, neutral point type, series gap type, railway type)


Voltage level Place of use System nominal voltage (kV) effective value National standard model of lightning arrester Arrester rated voltage (kV) effective value Gapless arrester Gap arrester Residual voltage (kV) peak value (not greater than) μS square wave flow capacity (A) 4/10 Large current withstand capability (kA)
Arrester continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value DC 1mA reference voltage (kV) is not less than Maximum leakage at 0.75 times DC reference voltage (μA) The effective value of power frequency discharge voltage (kV) is not less than 1.2/50 The peak value of impulse discharge voltage (kV) is not greater than Maximum conductive current (μA) 8/20Under lightning impulse current 30/60 operating surge current Under 1/4 steep wave impulse current
low pressure Distribution type 0.22 YH1.5W-0.28/1.3 0.28 0.24 0.6 50 - - - 1.3 - - 75 25
0.38 YH1.5W-0.5/2.6 0.5 0.42 1.2 50 - - - 2.6 - - 75 25
Motor type 0.66* YH2.5WD-1.3/3.6 1.3 0.95 1.8 50 - - - 3.6 - - 200 40
1.14* YH2.5WD-2.6/7.2 2.6 1.9 3.6 50 - - - 7.2 - - 200 40
3kV Distribution type 3 YH5WS-3.8/15 3.8 2.0 7.5 50 - - - 15.0 12.8 17.3 75 40
3 YH5WS-5/15 5 4.0 7.5 50 - - - 15.0 12.8 17.3 75 40
3 YH5CS-3.8/13.5 3.8 - - - 9.0 13.5 20 13.5 11.4 15.0 75 40
Power station type 3 YH5WZ-3.8/13.5 3.8 2.0 7.2 50 - - - 13.5 11.5 15.5 200 65
3 YH5WZ-5/13.5 5 4.0 7.2 50 - - - 13.5 11.5 15.5 200 65
3 YH5CZ-3.8/12.0 3.8 - - - 8.0 12.0 20 12.0 10.2 13.5 200 65
Capacitive type 3 YH5WR-3.8/13.5 3.8 2.0 7.2 50 - - - 13.5 10.5 - 400 65
3 YH5WR-5/13.5 5 4.0 7.2 50 - - - 13.5 10.5 - 400 65
3 YH5CR-3.8/12.0 3.8 - - - 8.0 12.0 20 12.0 9.6 - 400 65
Generator type 3.15* YH5WD-3.8/9.5 3.8 2.0 5.7 50 - - - 9.5 7.6 10.7 400 65
3.15* YH5WD-4/9.5 4 3.15 5.7 50 - - - 9.5 7.6 10.7 400 65
3.15* YH5CD-3.8/8.6 3.8 - - - 7.5 8.6 20 8.6 6.9 9.8 400 65
Electric model 3.15* YH2.5WD-3.8/9.5 3.8 2.0 5.7 50 - - - 9.5 7.6 10.7 200 65
3.15* YH2.5WD-4/9.5 4 3.15 5.7 50 - - - 9.5 7.6 10.7 200 65
3.15* YH2.5CD-3.8/8.6 3.8 - - - 7.5 8.6 20 8.6 6.9 9.8 200 65
neutral point type 3.15* YH1.5W-2.4/6 2.4 1.9 3.4 50 - - - 6.0 5.0 - 200 65
6kV Distribution type 6 YH5WS-7.6/30 7.6 4.0 15.0 50 - - - 30.0 25.6 34.6 75 40
6 YH5WS-10/30 10 8.0 15.0 50 - - - 30.0 25.6 34.6 75 40
6 YH5CS-7.6/27 7.6 - - - 16.0 27.0 20 27.0 22.5 30.0 75 40
Power station type 6 YH5WZ-7.6/27 7.6 4.0 14.4 50 - - - 27.0 23.0 31.0 200 65
6 YH5WZ-10/27 10 8.0 14.4 50 - - - 27.0 23.0 31.0 200 65
6 YH5CZ-7.6/24 7.6 - - - 16.0 24.0 20 24.0 20.4 27.0 200 65
Capacitive type 6 YH5WR-7.6/27 7.6 4.0 14.4 50 - - - 27.0 21.0 - 400 65
6 YH5WR-10/27 10 8.0 14.4 50 - - - 27.0 21.0 - 400 65
6 YH5CR-7.6/24 7.6 - - - 16.0 24.0 20 24.0 19.5 - 400 65
Generator type 6.3* YH5WD-7.6/18.7 7.6 4.0 11.2 50 - - - 18.7 15.0 21.0 400 65
6.3* YH5WD-8/18.7 8 6.3 11.2 50 - - - 18.7 15.0 21.0 400 65
6.3* YH5CD-7.6/17 7.6 - - - 15.0 17.0 20 17.0 13.8 19.6 400 65
Electric model 6.3* YH2.5WD-7.6/18.7 7.6 4.0 11.2 50 - - - 18.7 15.0 21.0 200 65
6.3* YH2.5WD-8/18.7 8 6.3 11.2 50 - - - 18.7 15.0 21.0 200 65
6.3* YH2.5CD-7.6/17 7.6 - - - 15.0 17.0 20 17.0 13.8 19.6 200 65
neutral point type 6.3* YH1.5W-4.8/12 4.8 3.8 6.8 50 - - - 12.0 10.0 - 200 65
10kV Distribution type 10 YH5WS-12.7/50 12.7 6.6 25 50 - - - 50 42.5 57.5 75 40
10 YH5WS-17/50 17 13.6 25 50 - - - 50 42.5 57.5 75 40
10 YH5CS-12.7/45 12.7 - - - 26.0 45 20 45 38.4 51.0 75 40
Power station type 10 YH5WZ-12.7/45 12.7 6.6 24 50 - - - 45 38.3 51.8 200 65
10 YH5WZ-17/45 17 13.6 24 50 - - - 45 38.3 51.8 200 65
10 YH5CZ-12.7/41 12.7 - - - 26.0 41 20 41 35.0 46.0 200 65
Capacitive type 10 YH5WR-12.7/46 12.7 6.6 24 50 - - - 46 35.0 - 400 65
10 YH5WR-17/46 17 13.6 24 50 - - - 46 35.0 - 400 65
10 YH5CR-12.7/41 12.7 - - - 26.0 41 20 41 33.0 - 400 65
Generator type 10.5* YH5WD-12.7/31 12.7 6.6 18.6 50 - - - 31 25 34.7 400 65
10.5* YH5WD-13.5/31 13.5 10.5 18.6 50 - - - 31 25 34.7 400 65
10.5* YH5CD-12.7/28 12.7 - - - 25.0 28.0 20 28 22.5 32.0 400 65
13.8* YH5WD-17.5/40 17.5 13.8 24.4 50 - - - 40.0 32.0 44.8 400 65
15.75* YH5WD-20/45 20 15.75 28.0 50 - - - 45.0 36.0 50.4 400 65
18.0* YH5WD-23/51 23 18.0 31.9 50 - - - 51.0 40.8 57.2 400 65
20.0* YH5WD-25/56.2 25 20.0 35.4 50 - - - 56.2 45.0 62.9 400 65
Electric model 10.5* YH2.5WD-12.7/31 12.7 6.6 18.6 50 - - - 31 25 34.7 200 65
10.5* YH2.5WD-13.5/31 13.5 10.5 18.6 50 - - - 31 25 34.7 200 65
10.5* YH2.5CD-12.7/28 12.7 - - - 25.0 28.0 20 28 22.5 32.0 200 65
Neutral point type 10.5* YH1.5W-8/19 8 6.4 11.4 50 - - - 19.0 15.9 - 400 65
13.8* YH1.5W-10.5/23 10.5 8.4 14.9 50 - - - 23.0 19.2 - 400 65
15.75* YH1.5W-12/26 12 9.6 17.0 50 - - - 26.0 21.6 - 400 65
18.0* YH1.5W-13.7/29.2 13.7 11.0 19.5 50 - - - 29.2 24.3 - 400 65
20.0* YH1.5W-15.2/31.7 15.2 12.0 21.6 50 - - - 31.7 26.4 - 400 65
35kV Power station type 35 YH5WZ-51/134 51 40.8 73 50 - - - 134 114 154 400 65
35 YH5WZ-42/134 42 23.4 73 50 - - - 134 114 154 400 65
35 YH5CZ-42/124 42 - - - 80.0 124 20 124 100 143 400 65
Capacitive type 35 YH5WR-51/134 51 40.8 73 50 - - - 134 105 - 400 65
35 YH5WR-42/134 42 23.4 73 50 - - - 134 105 - 400 65
35 YH5CR-42/124 42 - - - 80.0 124 20 124 100 - 400 65
Line type 35 YH5WX-51/134 51 40.8 73 50 - - - 134 114 154 400 65
35 YH5WX-54/150 54 43.2 77 50 - - - 150 128 169 400 65
35 YH5CX-42/120 42 - - - 80.0 120 20 120 100 138 400 65
35 YH5CX-42/150 42 - - - 80.0 150 20 150 128 169 400 65
Neutral point type 35 YH1.5W-30/80 30 24 44 50 - - - 80 67.5 - 400 65
66kV Power station type 66 YH5WZ-84/221 84 67.2 121 50 - - - 221 188 254 600 65
66 YH5WZ-90/235 90 72.5 130 50 - - - 235 201 270 600 65
66 YH10WZ-84/221 84 67.2 121 50 - - - 221 188 248 600 100
66 YH10WZ-90/235 90 72.5 130 50 - - - 235 201 264 600 100
Line type 66 YH5WX-96/250 96 75 140 50 - - - 250 213 288 600 65
66 YH5WX-96/275 96 75 154 50 - - - 275 234 316 600 65
110kV Power station type 110 YH5WZ-100/260 100 78 145 50 - - - 260 221 299 600 65
110 YH5WZ-102/266 102 79.6 148 50 - - - 266 226 305 600 65
110 YH5WZ-108/281 108 84 157 50 - - - 281 239 323 600 65
110 YH10WZ-100/260 100 78 145 50 - - - 260 221 291 600 100
110 YH10WZ-102/266 102 79.6 148 50 - - - 266 226 297 600 100
110 YH10WZ-108/281 108 84 157 50 - - - 281 239 315 600 100
Line type 110 YH5WX-108/281 108 84 157 50 - - - 281 239 323 600 65
110 YH5WX-108/309 108 84 173 50 - - - 309 263 348 600 65
110 YH10WX-108/281 108 84 157 50 - - - 281 239 315 600 100
110 YH10WX-108/309 108 84 173 50 - - - 309 263 348 600 100
110 YH5CX-90/260 90 - 130 50 170* 525* - 260 - 292 400 65
110 YH10CX-90/260 90 - 130 50 170* 525* - 260 - 292 600 100
110 YH10CX-96/280 96 - 140 50 170* 525* - 280 - 314 600 100
110 YH10CX-102/296 102 - 148 50 170* 525* - 296 - 332 600 100
Neutral point type 110 YH1.5W-60/144 60 48 85 50 - - - 144 135 - 400 65
110 YH1.5W-72/186 72 58 103 50 - - - 186 174 - 400 65
220kV Power station type 220 YH10WZ-192/500 192 150 280 50 - - - 500 426 560 800 100
220 YH10WZ-200/520 200 156 290 50 - - - 520 442 582 800 100
220 YH10WZ-204/532 204 159 296 50 - - - 532 452 594 800 100
220 YH10WZ-216/562 216 168.5 314 50 - - - 562 478 630 800 100
Line type 220 YH10WX-216/562 216 168 314 50 - - - 562 487 630 600 100
220 YH10WX-216/618 216 168 346 50 - - - 618 526 693 600 100
220 YH10CX-185/520 180 - 260 50 340* 900* - 520   584 600 100
220 YH10CX-192/560 192 - 280 50 340* 900* - 560 - 628 600 100
220 YH10CX-204/592 204 - 296 50 340* 900* - 592 - 664 600 100
Neutral point type 220 YH1.5W-144/320 144 116 205 50 - - - 320 299 - 600 65
27.5kV Railway type 27.5 YH5WT-42/120 42 34 65 50 - - - 120 98 138 400 65
55kV 55 YH5WT-84/240 84 68 130 50 - - - 240 276 276 400 65


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